Freely Listen to Dream Big Book

Dr. Benjamin E. Mays Quotes

220px-Benjamin_MaysBenjamin Elijah Mays was an American Baptist minister, activist, humanitarian, and leader in the African-American Civil Rights Movement.

He is best known for his role in the advancement of civil rights, and the progression of political rights of African Americans in America.

Dr. Mays was active working with world leaders, such as John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King, and John D. Rockefeller, in improving the social standing of minorities in politics, education, and business.

Mays was also a significant mentor to civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. and King considered him, his “spiritual mentor” and “intellectual father.”

Read below some of the famous Quotes of Dr. Benjamin E. Mays.

Whatever you do,strive to do it so well that no man living and no man dead and no man yet to be born could do it any better.

It must be borne in mind that the tragedy of life doesn’t lie in not reaching your goal. The tragedy lies in having no goal to reach.

It isn’t a calamity to die with dreams unfulfilled, but it is a calamity not to dream.

It is not a disaster to be unable to capture your ideal, but it is a disaster to have no ideal to capture.

It is not a disgrace not to reach the stars, but it is a disgrace to have no stars to reach for. Not failure, but low aim is sin.

Every man and woman is born into the world to do something unique and something distinctive and if he or she does not do it, it will never be done.

The only thing left for a poor man to do to overcome his poverty is to find a good job, work hard, and save.

He who starts behind in the great race of life must forever remain behind or run faster than the man in front.

It is better to have our colleagues envious of our scholarship and research than of our houses and land.

Nobody cares how Mahatma Gandhi dressed or if he rode half-naked or third class. History will claim him as one of the greatest men of all times.

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