Man is a social animal. This is the dictum we have been taught right from our school days. However, time has come to change this evidently into “Man is a social media animal”. Even though it seems to be a funny statement, there is much truth in this. Statistics shows that man has become more engulfed in technology and an average youngster cannot even think of a life without social media. In fact, I am not talking about social media as such. On the other hand, how technology as a whole has paved the way for human beings to remain secluded from the warmth of inter personal relationships.
There was a time when people used to spend time with others in parks, beaches, restaurants and other public places. Also, the dining room of each American home was the debate hall with participants such as the father, mother and children. Almost all topics, trivial to intricate family issues, have been discussed there from time to time. However, now the dining room is silent. People of today’s world dwell in the e-world, keeping themselves away from the realities of the ‘real world’. For them, friendship happens in twitter and face book. They do not make friends; rather they ‘add’ them. This is, in no way, a bad thing. However, it becomes awful when they pay a blind eye to the world operating outside the apple iPad, or any other electronic device for that matter.
Formerly, we had a time when we used to smile at the person sitting beside us in the coffee parlor. We never kept a distance of silence between us and the fellow passenger in the metro train. But now, we cannot afford to keep our fingers off the smart phone even for a few seconds. Even if we manage to find a moment to share a word or two with the other, that person will be hanging out with the unknown friend in the unknown continent. Such friendship is not healthy. While we have a lot of people to share our ideas and emotions with, we search for others in the distant terrains. It is not certain that the online friend has a real identity at all.
It would be quite unwise to come to a generalization that the e-world is a cheat-place. Of course, there are scammers and criminals roaming around from website to website. However, the scopes are infinite for every individual having a personal computer and internet connectivity. Hence, keeping away from the technological outburst of the modern-day world would not be commonsensical. What we need is a self control. We are indulging in the online adventures too much. The horrific thing is that we forget our surroundings and our soul-mates. When we get free time, we would not like to visit our best friend’s home. On the other hand, we make ourselves busy with playing the most recent online games and watching stupid fights and films.
I fear there will not be a time when we realize the real worth of friendship. Day by day, man becomes more e-centric. Such a situation is not too distant from being eccentric. In order to keep humanity and common human virtues, we have to come from our self-made shells. Technology is all good. However, friendship in real life situations is better. Making a choice is, after all, a personal business.
Author Bio:
I am Zella Herbert, working with Essay Writing Service UK for the last 9 years. I specialize in technology writing and admission essays. I am a blogging- enthusiast as well. Students of all academic levels seek help from me for any of their academic writing needs.